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by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 03/02/2011 05:58 PM

What will happen next? -  You will probably get a call and then a confirmation in either a letter or email of details regarding start date, pay rate and hours.


Read your contract -  Make sure you read your contract before signing - ask your employer about anything you are unclear of.


Be prepared - It is good to make sure you come prepared for your first day - ask if there is anything you need to bring, check what the dress code is if you are unsure and make sure you turn up early and alert as there is often a lot to take in starting a new job.


Be personable - Be brave and say hello to everyone you are introduced to.


Have a positive attitude - be attentive and show a readiness to take on the tasks being presented to you.


Most importantly, enjoy yourself and good luck from Team Trinity

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