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by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 27/01/2011 04:53 PM
  • At the end of the interview ask when they will be making their decision. This will allow to to gauge when you will hear back from them.

  • At the first opportunity, reflect on the answers that you provided. As soon as possible write down as many of the interview questions that you can remember while they are still fresh in your mind and the answers you gave. Or talk them through with a friend. If you are unsuccessful, this will help you assess whether there was anything you could have responded to differently or better.
  • Keep up with your job searching and attending other interviews – even if you are confident with how a particular interview went, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

  • Lots of websites recommend sending thank you letters after an interview. This may seem a little outdated and may not make a difference in the decision making process. However, sending a brief letter or email thanking the interviewer for their time, expressing that you really enjoyed meeting the team and finding out about the company, won't do any harm and will show that you are proactive and keen.

  • Be patient. You may not hear back straight away as there may be other interview days and much deliberation regarding candidates. If they've said you won't hear back for two weeks, don't call them the next day or this will seem pushy.

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